

Million Dollar Club

Tested & Proven Srategy to Get Your Law Firm to One Million Dollar in Revenue



For the average law firm, reaching one million dollar in annual revenue generated entirely from the internet is straightforward.

This simple strategy is for law firms who target consumers and operate in a decent sized market. It is not for practices in small markets, say with 1500 habitants. For example the advice I share is great for divorce lawyers, personal injury lawyers, immigration attorneys. However, it will not work for business lawyers, IP attorneys, etc. The reason is simply market size and buyer behavior. Behavior: Most consumers go online when they need legal help, but most businesses will turn to their network first. Market size: There are just more consumers looking for legal help than businesses needing legal assistance. 

If your law firm targets consumers, is located in a decently sized city and  your revenue is below one million, then you can use the strategy described below. You may read and think this is too simple because marketing agencies or competitors want you to think it is hard. They want you to think so that you can either pay them more (agencies) or get you out of the way (competitors). Also you may just not follow up with this strategy because we all believe we need something complicated when we have problems.


So here it is. The only two channels you need to worry about in order to get to one million dollars in revenue are your website and your local presence. No facebook, tiktok, youtube, paid ads, avvo, justia, nolo, email marketing, leads purchase, and the other 99 things that will only serve to spread you thin in the beginning. 1) Invest in a great website built by someone who understands your vertical very well. 2) Invest heavily in your local seo and do not look further than the cities which are close to you. There is a reason when you search for services online, Google auto-suggests adding "near me." People are not always interested in hiring the best attorneys, they want to hire the best attorney they can afford who is not too far. Mind you this is not how someone experienced would find their lawyers, but most people are not experienced.  So if you are doing your own marketing, and I hope you aren't, focus on these two. If someone is doing it for you, stop right now and ask them what is their strategy to get you more website visits and more local visibility.

We are giving this information because you are not our target audience. Most of the firms we work with earn north of a million dollars unless they specifically do not want to reach it. Yes, believe it or not there are lawyers who want carry a small caseload and make a respectable living. They are not interested in worldwide domination. By sharing this simple strategy we can help smaller firms succeed and help more consumers get the assistance they deserve. Secondly, once you have reached this level, you will need more marketing help. At that point you may be in a better position to spend a few thousands per month and hire a law firm marketing agency.

You can go on and spend thousands of dollars on paid ads and whatnot, but  that is just a shot in the dark and you are playing the "who's the deeper pocket" game. Ad spend is for law firms who have a lot of money and want to experiment or law firms who have a very good closing ratio. That also means, signing up a lot of wrong people and waiting to get multiple negative reviews.

If you can't build your own website and improve your local seo by yourself or your marketing team cannot deliver on this, contact us. Otherwise get to it and you will get to a million dollars per year in revenue.


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